Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Story

Before becoming a mother I was a middle and high school teacher, and in my ten years as an educator I developed a strong sense of what approach and techniques worked best for helping students reach their greatest potential, and I felt that much of what I learned in the classroom would carry over to parenting. I enjoyed watching parents around me and asking myself if I would handle situations the same way or differently than they did. Over time I developed an idea of what I thought my parenting style would be, even before I was ever pregnant.

In 2005 I found out I would have the wonderful opportunity to practice my theory on not one child, but twins. I left teaching to stay home and raise my children, and as they grew from babies to preschoolers I have confirmed that my beliefs about teaching and parenting indeed often coincide. I have developed a personal philosophy about raising and guiding children that has come from my experiences. While I know that each and every family is unique, I do believe that some parenting techniques are optimal for helping children grow into happy, healthy, empowered people.

I share my ideas here as a record for myself, to aid in my future coaching practice, and for anyone who is interested in reading them.

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