Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Never interrupt free creative play

Self-created, initiative-driven play is the best kind of play for children's brain development, so a good rule to remember is that when your children are independently playing nicely, don't ever interrupt it if you can avoid it. When your children make up their own games, engage in make-believe, and use their imaginations, this is evidence that they are developing cognitively, emotionally, socially, and also growing a healthy long attention span. These are the times to enjoy a moment to yourself and get something done, while basking in the knowledge that your kids are doing exactly what is best for them.

As I write this, one of my twins is pretending to be a kitten, and the other is leading her around the house on a "leash." I planned on taking them outside for a jogging stroller ride to the park. However, I will not do anything to disrupt the learning that is taking place, so we will go after this game has run its full course.

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